Natural calamities, which could have destroyed lives by the millions, like super-typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, drought, cosmological catastrophes like meteors/comets falling to the earth, planetary alignment, etc. have been averted by fasting and prayer.
Nuclear war was about to shatter the world to pieces in January 1991, with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein boasting of his chemical weapons of mass destruction. However, by the decree in the name of JESUS uttered by Evangelist Wilde E. Almeda, God's end-time prophet by revelation, the nuclear weapons of Iraq were frozen by the power of GOD. The world was stunned to discover later on that not even one of the thousands of Iraq's stockpile of nuclear weapons was used by Saddam to retaliate as the Allied Forces bombarded their military camps. As the conventional warfare proceeded in the Middle East during that time, the world was completely unaware that GOD was intervening through his end-time prophet behind the scene to save humanity from the holocaust of complete destruction.
In 1986 and 1987, the communist party threatened to topple the Philippine Government. The campaign the leftists conceived years ago was so strong that those aware of it were fearful, others fixing to escape the country. The only voice heard was Evangelist Almeda, boldly defying communism publicly — branding it as "Satanism." Ever a lover of the American legacy, Democracy, an outdoor crusade was staged in Luneta Park, Manila on January of 1987 which crushed the Godless ideology and brought the strong New People's Army (NPA) movement to a sudden stop. That voice traveled all the way to engulf the world, causing communism to succumb to democracy in Germany. The chain reaction went on and was felt by the communist countries, including Russia and China.
No doubt with all these testimonies plus innumerable others, the credibility of the power of the Gospel of CHRIST in the JMCIM is an established fact. With all the problems besetting the world today - Ozone depletion which is approaching 100% to finally burn the planet earth, cosmological catastrophes, Nuclear War which is just a push button away, terrorism and criminality, poverty, disease, etc. — the ultimate solution, the evangelist said, is for this Gospel to be preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14), with the cooperation of all the leaders of the nations, before it is too late. Mass conversion to the truth would finally end the chaos and start the reign of peace and love with the reign of the LORD JESUS CHRIST (Isaiah 9:6).
Matthew 24:14 " And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then shall the end come .
Isaiah 9:6 " For unto us a child is born , unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his shoulder : and his name shall be called Wonderful , Counselor ,* The mighty God , The everlasting Father , The Prince of Peace .
December 29, 2009
15 years ago